
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Out of the overflow..

Out of the overflow of what lies within,
there is goodness and badness.
A conflict of interest, leading to madness,
and then the lies begin.
A simple "you're not good enough", or "you don't matter",
and what you hear takes root; you feel your heart begin to shatter.
Try to hold it together, as you're coming apart,
And now bitterness and envy,
 rage and frustration rise to the surface.'s the overflow of the heart.
It's the struggle between the temporary and what will really matter.
If my conversations are derived from what's inside my heart,
am I really making sense,
Or am I just engaged in useless chatter?

AEJ 9/5/2012

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're at it me chill bumps!! Love it!