
Monday, August 21, 2017

Two Steps Forward

Uninspired, feeling tired…
No desire, no spark, no fire, waking up to the daily drudgery that is this life.
What a sad state of affairs! What a dark cloud everyone bears!
Like sly little foxes, we try to check all the right boxes.
Like, “I did a good deed today.”
“Yep. I took a minute to pray.”
But, even the slyest of foxes gets caught in a trap.
It’s like navigating with no road signs or a map.
Someone’s bound to get lost.
I try to keep up appearances, but at what cost?
Two steps forward and then it seems I get knocked down.
I get knocked down on my knees 
as the chaos of a loud mind,
with all of its buzzing and humming
is whirring around like a swarm of bees.
Take captive every thought before your thoughts take you.
Made brand new…
Each morning, new mercies appear,
yet I’m full of fear.
Two steps forward.
The first is courage.
The second is freedom.
Walking in freedom, I can see the sun begin to shine.
Victory is mine. It’s never tasted so sweet.
Called Victorious because of Your great defeat.
Two steps forward.
I’m not wasting anymore time.
Two steps forward.
You lift my head.
Two steps forward.
Am I even moving? Are my feet made of lead?
Two steps forward.
I trust that You’re near.
Two steps forward.
Make my feet swift like a deer.
One step and I’ll gather my courage.
One more step and I can see the path up ahead.
Two steps forward.
I remember what You said.
You go before me.
Two steps forward and the chaos is quieted.
It must be quiet before the Holy One holding all things together.
Like a change in the weather, 
a breath of fresh air that fills my lungs,
I find freedom from frailty as I see where my help comes from.
Two steps forward.
