
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Never Forsaken

He said, "never forsaken"
and, yet, I've taken
for granted
the very things that He has handed me.
reaching for more of whatever I can get a hold of.
Hoping to breathe a little easier,
but are these walls closing in now?
Isn't it funny how
it seems a boulder sits upon my chest
as I recall saying, "I'll do my best."
Such a struggle to catch my breath,
and somewhere beneath the weight, I gasp.
Collapsing lungs, He knew the full extent.
Equal status with the Father,
yet He considered that not something to grasp.
He said, "never forsaken",
and I disregard how he became nothing for me.
What a notion! What complete devotion!
Another breath is granted,
and I can feel the load begin to break.
Breathing again, it becomes clear
what is meant by His kingdom;
by His kingdom here in this place.
Letting loose of clenched fists,
hearts awaken to give instead of take.
He said "never forsaken".

AEJ 03/23/2014

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