
Sunday, July 08, 2012


Forgive my blaming and shaming and lies that overwhelm my bitter, selfish life.
And, help me to rid this colossal utility pole that is protruding from my eye,
 so that I may refrain from pointing fingers and placing accusations
on everyone else’s pain and strife.
Teach me to let you anchor my soul, so that I don’t get lost at sea,
battling tumultuous waves and currents that would surely devour me.
And create in me a heart that desires only your desires for today and for eternity.
Remove my entangling doubt that blinds me from the truth that your word never falters,
So that I may quit bringing gifts and praises to idols and false gods’ alters.
Thank you for your love and patience with me.
Help me to become obedient to your call and from temptations flee.

AEJ 1:47PM

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